Sunday, 14 March 2010

Hypnotherapy for Body-Building

In bodybuilding, there are two main areas that hypnosis has its most common association, these are;

· Weight Control, and
· Body Enhancement.

Weight control is as much about psychology as it is physiology. It's not what you eat but why you eat that remains the foundation of overeating. The reason people find it difficult to lose weight is usually an emotional or psychological one. There are many unconscious motivations and barriers to successful weight-loss that actively prevent one from going to the gym or eating less. Our minds control everything and if our unconscious mind has an alternative agenda to what we consciously desire, we may get stuck in a constant circle of ‘diet and failure’. It's an emotional, psychological issue. We can all exercise if we wish but there must be motivation to get us to go to the gym.

Body builders can also be sufferers of low self-esteem. Although most are probably not suicidal their focus is absolutely upon their bodies, and this could suggest a poor self-image.

With good direction we can use hypnosis to intensify our client’s training session to go far beyond their usual level of pain threshold whilst still remaining safe for our client. It is documented that the ability of hypnosis to increase emotional responses, also serves to release testosterone in the body, aiding muscular development.

Mental training also helps to improve physical training, helping your mind get in sync with your body.

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