Sunday, 14 March 2010

Hypnotherapy for Golf

Since he was 13, Tiger Woods has used hypnosis on a regular basis. Woods worked on a way to visualize his target and pull it back into his hands and body and let his subconscious react. Another technique Woods employs is to visualise his next shot and where the ball will go before ever having to swing a club. By using this rehearsal in his mind, he can 'act out' a perfect shot which then aids him mentally as he actually steps up to strike the ball for real. This works because by preparing the mind in advance, there is a chance the body will react exactly as you would want it.

The game of golf is largely a game of concentration. Golf is a game of opposites. To make your drive more powerful, you have to make your swing easier and more relaxed and this is where we can use hypnosis. To nail a perfect putt, you have to approach it with detachment and calm. Hypnosis is perfectly suited to creating this delicate balance of effort and effortlessness.

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